Sunday, June 15, 2008


I saw THE INCREDIBLE HULK today and thought it was pretty good. I think Ang Lee's HULK still might be a better movie but this one was entertaining, plus it had lots of little Easter Eggs for fans of the characters, either in comics or on tv. However, for me, IRON MAN is still the movie to beat this year.


John Warren said...

Cool. I haven't gotten to see HULK yet, but I've heard lots of positive things about it. I'm anxious to go.

KentyMac said...

I saw HULK over the weekend and liked it quite a bit too. It felt more like what I envisioned a HULK movie to be, especially compared to Ang Lee's. I caught a few of the Easter Eggs, but kept wondering about some of the names, if they were from the comics. I also was wondering about Mr. Blue and his expanding cranium, I figured that must have been significant but don't know enough about the HULK to place him.

But I agree that IRON MAN is still the one to beat. I loved that movie!

John Warren said...

Mr. Blue was Samuel Sterns, which is the real name of The Leader--a Hulk villain known for a giant noggin.

Did you catch Dr. Reinstein's name on the Super Soldier Serum? That's from Captain America comics.

The two people who witnessed the rampage on campus were Jim Wilson (a character from the comics) and Jack McGhee (the reporter from the old TV show).