Thursday, June 5, 2008

BEA Highlights

As I mentioned earlier, not a whole lot to report from this year's Book Expo but I'll mention a few things that happened or that I saw.

I had a few travel problems that ultimately lead to me getting my suitcase about 12 hours after I'd gotten to Los Angeles. The day after I got there was mostly filled with meetings, which included Ed Begley Jr. speaking at a morning meeting and one on graphic novels that included Scott McCloud.

I had a little free time between meetings the first day, so I walked around some. The hotel was in Hollywood and part of a complex that includes the Chinese Theater (where the footprints are). The Hollywood Walk of Fame also passes by the area. I guess the thing for some folks to do is put on costumes and hang out on Hollywood Blvd near the Chinese Theater in hopes someone will want a picture of you or with you. I saw Batman, Superman, a couple Spider-Men (regular and black costume), some Supergirls, Catwomen, Marilyn Monroe, Freddy Krueger, Laurel & Hardy, and an Iron Man who looked like his suit was cobbled together from a Stormtrooper and Boba Fett. It was like a mini science fiction convention.

The next couple days were the trade show, which is huge. Lots of booths and lots of free stuff. I saw William Shatner and Alec Baldwin, and got a book signed by Tim Reid. I went to a graphic novel breakfast that featured Jeff Smith, Mike Mignola, Art Spiegelman and Jeph Loeb. I continued my BEA tradition of talking to my mailing list buddy, Jim Salicrup. I can't remember all the goodies I picked up and the box hasn't arrived yet so I'll have to mention those later.

All in all, it was an okay time. LA is my least favorite BEA place because the trip is so long and the authors tend to be more the celebrity type than ones I wanna meet. Next year, it's back to New York, which at least seems to give me better stories to tell. :)


John Warren said...

Did you see the Iron Man they had hailing a cab on Letterman the other night? He looked crappy, too.

Demand for Iron Man costumes must be far exceeding supply....

John Q said...

I'm missed that. It took me a minute to realize the guy I saw was supposed to be Iron Man. :)

John Warren said...

They also had George dressed as Spider-Man to see if a "fat Spider-Man" could hail a cab.

As it turns out, Iron Man got a cab much faster than fat Spider-Man did....

KentyMac said...

So are all those celebs shilling their own books or just there to bring attention to some publisher?

John Q said...

The publishers bring them in to promote books, usually recently published or upcoming books.